
Apprenticeships represent an opportunity for individuals to gain on the job experience, training, and a formal education at the same time. At Hitachi, we offer two apprenticeship programs that are registered with the United States Department of Labor; Industrial Maintenance Technician and Tool and Die Maker. We are also an Apprenticeship USA LEADER through the U.S. Department of Labor as we have committed to spreading the word about apprenticeships both at the local and national level.


Each apprenticeship consists of 8,000 hours of on the job training paired with an experienced Journeyman and 576 hours of formal education through Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana.  At the end of the apprenticeship, apprentices will have earned and Associates Degree in Applied Science as well as a Department of Labor Journeyman’s Card.


Throughout the apprenticeship, our apprentices get incremental pay increases based on the amount of hours they have completed towards the 8,000 hour requirement.  All apprentices start out making at least 65% of the experienced pay range for a Journeyman.